Course Curriculum

The objective of the engineering economics live seminar is to reacquaint (or introduce for those who used another text or didn’t take the course) the attendees with their college textbook, “Principles of Engineering Economy,” written by Eugene L. Grant, W. Grant Ireson, and Richard S. Leavenworth. More...

Green Energy
Engineering, Inc

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Green Energy Engineering, Inc., is dedicated to saving energy, saving money, reducing your carbon footprint (carbon dioxide emissions), and saving the Earth through the cost-effective utilization of Mother Nature's limited energy resources. More...

Eric H. Coffin, P.E.

"The Engineer's Engineer"

For the serious engineers who are truly interested in "continuing education,' Eric's seminars satisfy that demand...

Client Testimonial

"Excellent Presentation! I will definitely recommend to others."

Peter S. Schneidkraut,
New York, NY

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Describe the seminar you conduct as a Continuing Education Provider.

The four-hour technical seminar is based on the college textbook, “Principles of Engineering Economy,” written by Eugene L. Grant, W. Grant Ireson, and Richard S. Leavenworth. The seminar provides an overview of the book to reacquaint attendees with the time value of money and investment decisions. This seminar is intended for all engineering disciplines (Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Structural, and Industrial). Example problems include general issues (i.e. loans, bonds, and tax implications) as well as discipline-specific cases (i.e. insulation thickness, motor efficiency, people vs. machine cost, boiler efficiency improvements, and other value engineering choices).

Is this seminar approved / accepted in other States?

Yes, this class is accepted by many states. There are only four States that require pre-approval of professional engineer continuing education providers. Those are Florida, Louisiana, New York, and North Carolina. Click on the Continuing Education tab for most States and you will find Green Energy Engineering, Inc., listed as Approved, Accepted, Recognized, Permitted, Official, Acknowledged, etc.

Can a student earn his required 4 Profession Development Hours (PDH) in area of practice by taking this class?

Yes, this class provides the 4 PDH required in area of practice.

Which engineering disciplines can take and get credit for this seminar?

All engineering disciplines such as Mechanical, Electrical, Civil, Chemical, Structural, Industrial, etc. can take this seminar and obtain the 4 PDH for their area of practice. The “Principles of Engineering Economy” has application across all engineering disciplines and is a general engineering class in many colleges.

Have you taught this class before?

Yes, this class has been taught over 60 times in live seminars around Florida since 2004.

What is the format of the seminar?

The “Principles of Engineering Economy” is taught in a live seminar setting using a Power Point presentation. Students can ask questions and interact with the instructor.

What materials are given out during the live seminar?

A printed hard copy of the PowerPoint presentation, along with worked problems from each chapter of the book, is given to the student to keep. A written test is administered during the seminar with a question from each of the 17 chapters of the text book. The written test is collected at the conclusion of the seminar and graded by the instructor. A completion certificate is mailed out to those students that pass the test. A text book ($135) can also be provided to the student at his expense..

Describe how you plan to update your seminar based on changes in the law or rules.

Changes in engineering law or rules are monitored by me and other individuals within our organization; however it is unlikely that any changes will affect the content of the engineering economics seminar. Changes in the Federal Tax Code and specifically investment tax credits and depreciation tables would alter the input data for some of the example problems. Moreover, Federal Reserves changes in the Prime Rate will affect the interest rate and discount rate used in example problems. The actual example problems will be updated based on these changes and questions asked during the live seminar and incorporated into subsequent classes.

Describe the procedures to be used in evaluating the licensee’s performance in the course.

All licensees will be given a test to fill in during the seminar. The test has at least one question from each of the 17 chapters.     Test questions are answered at the end of each chapter presentation while the instructor loads the next Power Point presentation. Tests will be graded the following day and completion certificates will be mailed to those participants that have at least a 70% grade. Those licensees that fail the test will be offered free attendance at the next scheduled class and allowed to take a second test.

List the anticipated locations where the courses will be offered.

The live seminar will be offered throughout the United States and taught at locations that have adequate advance sales to support the overhead cost of renting a venue and covering expenses.