Client Testimonial

You presented a lot of information, very clearly, in a short time. The presentation was excellent and content very informative and useful. Good Class – I’ll recommend it to other engineers.

Carl L Skiles Yalaha, Florida

Eric H. Coffin, P.E.

"The Engineer's Engineer"

For the serious engineers who are truly interested in "continuing education,' Eric's seminars satisfy that demand...

Course Curriculum



The objective of the engineering economics live seminar is to reacquaint (or introduce for those who used another text or didn’t take the course) the attendees with their college textbook, “Principles of Engineering Economy,” written by Eugene L. Grant, W. Grant Ireson, and Richard S. Leavenworth. During the four-hour class we will work through actual problems faced by engineers in their practice. Attendees will be encouraged to bring their own books to the seminar or they can purchase a new book at the door.



Each attendee will be provided a notebook for the engineering economics class. This notebook will contain all of the PowerPoint slides, which include presentation material and worked problems. The notebook will also contain space for student notes as well as a reference section of frequency used formulas and compound interest factors. The appendix of the notebook will contain worked problems based on questions asked at proceeding seminars and will be updated after each session.



The overhead PowerPoint presentation will cover each chapter of the book as listed below. The major points of each chapter will be presented as well as worked problems from the end of each chapter. Minutes of lecture time are shown in parentheses after each chapter.


Part I – Basic Concepts in Engineering Economy

  1. Basic principles of economic choice (25)
  2. Equivalence (20)
  3. Financial mathematics (15)

Part II – Judging the Attractiveness of Proposed Investments

  1. Equivalent uniform annual cash flow (20)
  2. Present worth (15)
  3. Internal rate of return (15)
  4. Measures involving cost, benefits, and effectiveness (10)
  5. Some relationships between accounting and engineering economy (15)
  6. Estimating income tax consequences of certain decisions (15)
  7. Increment costs, economic sizing, sunk costs, and interdependent decisions (25)

Part III – Techniques for Evaluating Alternatives

  1. Economy studies for retirement and replacement (10)
  2. Financing effects on economy studies (10)
  3. Capital budgeting and the choice of a minimum attractive rate of return (5)
  4. Prospective inflation and sensitivity analysis (10)
  5. Use of the mathematics of probability in economy studies (10)

Part IV – Special Applications of Engineering Economy

  1. Aspects of economy studies for governmental activities (10)
  2. Aspects of economy studies for regulated businesses (10)