Services Offered
Green Energy Engineering, Inc., offers engineering, financial, and feasibility services
primarily in the energy arena. More...
Energy Audits
Green Energy Engineering, Inc. provides energy audits for all types of facilities
in a wide range of prices, ranging from complimentary / no charge to hundreds of
thousands of dollars, depending on the level of detail.
Financial Studies
Financial studies help you as the client make better investment decisions without
spending much money. More...
Feasibility Studies
Feasibility studies are simple, one-page summaries of a possible project. Written
at a very high conceptual level, they allow management to compare and consider various
investment ideas. More...
Option Development
At a high level, many of us think through our options (options or ideas that we
happen to know about) and make a decision. The problem is that, “We don’t know what
we don’t know.” More...
Power, Steam, Boilers
If you need assistance with your power purchase plans, we can help because of our
background with the utility and with the customer. You might say we have worked
on both sides of the electric meter! More...
Engineering, Inc.
News Brief 4-24-17
Solar bills in Tallahassee
There are two very different solar bills working their way through Tallahassee. SB 90 is a four-page straightforward bill that implements tax-free solar as Floridians voted for with 73% approving amendment 4 in the August 2016 voting. HB 1351 is primarily authored by electric utilities and seeks to limit solar and other forms of home-based energy generation. More...
News Brief 4-18-17
"Passion for Energy" Statement
It is an honor to serve on this state wide
Florida Engineering Society
Energy subcommittee and I appreciate the warm welcome from chairmen Don Voigt. More...
News Brief 4-2-17
Westinghouse Electric Company Filed for
Chapter 11
Westinghouse had a very large manufacturing facility to fabricate steam generators for nuclear power plants in south Tampa, Florida. The building on South West Shore Boulevard was south of Gandy Boulevard and on the water of Tampa Bay. More...
In the News
Professional engineer Eric Coffin has reestablished his website and company. After a short break, to work full time on a $5 billion phosphate expansion project in Morocco, he is once again offering live seminars for professional engineers. More...
Eric H. Coffin, P.E.
"The Engineer's Engineer"
For the serious engineers who are truly interested in "continuing education,' Eric's seminars satisfy that demand.
Investment Criteria Results
Green Energy Engineering, Inc. recently conducted a focus group
with 150 Florida professional engineers, who were asked which factors they used
in determining their company’s minimum acceptable rate of return, also known as
i* in most text books. The survey’s purpose was to ascertain the degree of understanding
and comfort these engineers had with the underlying assumptions of economic studies.
Course Curriculum
The objective of the engineering economics live seminar is to reacquaint (or introduce
for those who used another text or didn’t take the course) the attendees with their
college textbook, “Principles of Engineering Economy,” written by Eugene L. Grant,
W. Grant Ireson, and Richard S. Leavenworth. More...
Client Testimonial
You presented a lot of information, very clearly, in a short time. The presentation
was excellent and content very informative and
useful. Good Class – I’ll recommend it to other engineers.
Carl L Skiles Yalaha, Florida
What we do...
is offer engineering, financial, and feasibility services primarily in the energy
arena. Click the following link to learn more about our capabilities
and services:
Green Energy Engineering, Inc. Services Offered
What we teach...
are refresher and advanced classes in your core engineering curriculum for continuing
eduction. Click the following link to learn more about our CE course for professional
Green Energy Engineering Inc. Continuing Education
Energy Efficiency – The 5th fuel
Efficiency – The 5th fuel
By Eric H Coffin, P.E., C.E.M.
President Green Energy Engineering
Monday, November 20, 2017
Author’s note – The first edition of this paper appeared in the January 2018 issue of the Florida Engineering
Society (FES) “Energy” magazine on page 13. The author is thankful to FES for permission to include this second edition (some clarifying edits) on the Green
Energy Engineering website. If the reader is interested in obtaining answers to their specific home, but does not want to perform all the calculations shown
below, they can forward the raw electric billing data and a $20 check (made payable to Green Engineering Inc.,) to Eric Coffin 4737 Dolphin Cay Lane South Unit
#B108, St. Petersburg, Florida 33711-4671. The author will then perform the analysis and provide the homeowner with a report outlining the financial options.
First came coal, then petroleum, then nuclear, and then alternative energy. The new kid on the block (5th fuel[1]) is downstream of the electric utility and is called energy efficiency[2]. This is a large and mostly untapped method of reducing greenhouse gases, by considering the life cycle cost of energy consuming equipment and applying existing energy-efficient technologies. While the initial capital cost of more efficient equipment may be higher, this is more than made up in reduced reoccurring fuel cost.
Consider the traveling salesperson that puts 300 miles on their car each week and buys $4 per gallon gasoline. By trading in that 13 mpg for a new 35 mpg they could save over $3,000 per year. Air conditioners also have a “mpg” and it is called Energy Efficiency Ratio (EER) and is defined as BTU per hour of enjoyed cooling divided by watts of electricity painfully purchased at an outside temperature of 95ºF. This paper will show how you, the payer of electric bills, can make an informed a/c purchasing decision that will yield a better rate of return than enjoyed by the famous investor Warren Buffett.
Need to Renew your PE License?
Professional Engineer Continuing Education Class, "Principles
of Engineering Economy,” is now available as a Live Presentation.
Offering 4 PDH in “Area of Practice,” the information applies to every engineering
discipline whether it’s Industrial, Mechanical, Chemical, Civil, Electrical or Structural.
The materials were produced by Green Energy Engineering's Eric
Coffin, who is an
approved trainer in many states.
The Live Presentation will teach you:
- The time value of money
- What is net present value
- Determining the rate of return
Need Energy Services?
Green Energy Engineering, Inc., is dedicated to saving energy,
saving money, reducing your carbon footprint (carbon dioxide emissions), and saving
the Earth through the cost-effective utilization of Mother Nature's limited energy
With over 35 years of experience in cogeneration, biomass fuels, natural
gas, oil- and coal-fired equipment, Green Energy Engineering, Inc. can customize
a thermal cycle that meets your process needs and your limited capital budget.
About Green Energy Engineering, Inc.
Every time we drive our cars, heat or cool our homes, we are producing
and discharging carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. These so-called “greenhouse
gases” trap heat in our atmosphere and have been suggested as a cause of global
warming. The measure of the effect of carbon dioxide on our environment is called
a “carbon footprint.”
Green Energy Engineering,
Inc., can mitigate or lessen this carbon dioxide output by developing
alternative energy projects - Green Energy Solutions. More...
Continuing Education Testimonial

Mike Higgins, P.E.
"I found the [Principles of Engineering Economy] course
suited my needs and is helpful in business and personal financial evaluations."
Mike Higgins, P.E.
Higgins Consulting, Inc.
St. Petersburg, FL